Puck the Duck

Puck 2 by DesaBoneka
Puck 2, a photo by DesaBoneka on Flickr.

Puck really proud of his hair. Yes, that tiny little cute pile of hair on the top of his head.
But this Puck, didn't like rain so much. He rather stayed at home since he hated the way rain made his hair gettin' wet.

It's been raining all day long and Puck keeps thrust out his lips.
So, he tried to read a book to lighten up his day.


03062011 by DesaBoneka
03062011, a photo by DesaBoneka on Flickr.

Preparing for the 2nd series..

Say hello to Edric..

Edric by DesaBoneka
Edric, a photo by DesaBoneka on Flickr.

Edric is a shy pig..He rarely play outside in the mud..that’s why his skin is a perfectly clean light pink..he loves to stay at home and reads books..

Meet: LILO the lion!

Proudly presents: Bookmark animal series!

Hello again!
It's been a very looong time since the last time I posted something on this blog..

anywayyy...this is the latest series...
Bookmark Animal part 1
this is a perfect gift for your kids..
reading a book will be more fun with this bookmark :)

for order:
ym: desaboneka